Stripe Integration and Adding Products

In this article, we will cover the fundamentals of using Stripe with your ClickFunnels account. This will allow you to integrate Stripe as your payment gateway to process sales of your products and services. You can move through the article in the order listed below or click on the titles in the Table of Contents to jump to a particular topic.

Table of Contents:

  1. Integrating Stripe With ClickFunnels
  2. Set up Android and Apple Pay
  3. Setting up Products
    1. Create A One-Time Product
    2. Setting up a Free Product in ClickFunnels
    3. Setting Up A Subscription or Payment Plan Product with Stripe
    4. Setting Up A Stripe Subscription Product in ClickFunnels
    5. Setting Up A Stripe Payment Plan Product in ClickFunnels
    6. Stripe Payment Notifications and Receipts for Customers
  4. Order Form Testing
  5. Cancelling Your Customer's Subscription Product In Stripe
  6. What to do if Stripe Shuts You Down

Important Note: Your funnel only works with one Payment Gateway at a time. If you wish to have two different payment options in one funnel, it's recommended to create two funnels with duplicated customer experiences and add a button that moves the customer to their preferred payment gateway prior to starting the checkout process.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

Important Note: After initially signing up, there may be a short time period where your Stripe account is only available for Test Transactions. Stripe will need to verify the bank account that you indicate in your application. Stripe will also make sure that your business and website is in compliance with Stripe Terms of Service .


Integrating ClickFunnels with Stripe

In this section, we will cover how to integrate Stripe with your ClickFunnels account . This will allow you to use Stripe as your payment gateway to process sales of your products and services.

Important Note : Your funnel only works with one Payment Gateway at a time. If you wish to have two different payment options in one funnel, it's recommended to create two funnels with duplicated customer experiences and add a button that moves the customer to their preferred payment gateway prior to starting the checkout process.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

To collect payments from your customers using ClickFunnels you will need to integrate a payment gateway with your ClickFunnels account. Stripe is the most widely used payment gateway within ClickFunnels.

Depending on your ClickFunnels subscription plan, you can connect up to:

  • Basic Plan : 3 Stripe accounts
  • Platinum Plan : 9 accounts
  • 2CCX Plan : 9 Stripe accounts

Important Note : When using Stripe, there may be some restrictions for the country that you are located in, or for the product you want to sell. If you come across a situation where you are unable to use Stripe as a payment gateway, please address these issues with Stripe's Support team.

1. Log in to your ClickFunnels Account

2. Log in to your Stripe account in a different tab

3. Within ClickFunnels, hover over your main menu and click on Account Settings


4. Click on Payment Gateways on the left side


5. Click on +Add New Payment Gateway


6. Click on Stripe


7. Click on Create Stripe Account


8. Give your Stripe integration a Name


9. ( Optional ) Make your Stripe integration the Default Stripe Account for your funnels by toggling the switch on.


10. Click on Create Stripe account

11. Click on Next: Connect With Stripe


12. Click on Connect my Stripe account


Congratulations! You’ve successfully connected Stripe with ClickFunnels



Setting up Apple Pay / Google Pay with Clickfunnels

Apple/Google Pay is a payment method that allows customers to checkout in a funnel using their credit card information that is already stored in their Apple/Google accounts. This method makes it easier for customers to purchase products by providing a quick checkout process without having to type in their credit card information manually. This is a great way to boost customer satisfaction through additional payment options and provide a quick and easy checkout process.

In order to use Apple/Google Pay, customers will need a Stripe account set up.

Once Stripe is connected to the ClickFunnels account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to “ Account Settings ” and select " Payment Gateways " from the menu on the left
  2. Edit the Stripe account by clicking the edit icon
  3. Select the domains you wish to enable Apple Pay on if they are not already selected
  4. Click " Update Stripe Account "

Next, follow these steps within the Stripe account linked to ClickFunnels in order to enable Apple Pay:

  1. Log into Stripe
  2. Click on " Settings "
  3. Select " Apple Pay "
  4. Click on " + Add New Domain "
  5. Enter the domain already integrated with your ClickFunnels account and click “ Add

Important Notes: Once Apple Pay is enabled with these instructions, Google Pay will be enabled as well. Apple - Google Pay does not work with 2-Step order forms.

Lastly, follow these steps in the funnel where you want to have Apple/Google Pay enabled:

  1. Load the Page Editor for the Order step
  2. Add a New Element
  3. Select “ Apple/Android Pay
  4. Save Changes

Important Notes: Apple Pay will only appear for Safari and Apple compatible devices, Google Pay will only appear for Chrome and Google compatible devices


Setting Up Products

In this section, we will go over setting up a product using Stripe to use in your funnels.

Important Note: You will see that there are additional tabs in the one-time product creation process however they are optional. In this process, we only cover the required tabs. For further instruction on how to set up the optional tabs please see the linked article on product set up.

Create A One-Time Product

A One-Time Product is a normal one-time purchase that your customer would pay for once and receive once as opposed to a subscription or payment plan. This option can be used for digital or physical products. You will have the ability to set up product details such as price, currency, shipping origin, and quantity limitations.

  1. Go to any funnel with an order type step
  2. Click on the Products tab
  3. Select + Add Product

Setting Up the Payment Options Tab

  1. Under Integrations select the Stripe payment gateway for that specific product
  2. Select One-Time
  3. (Optional) Toggle the Provide Commission switch on if you would like to set a commission plan for the product. Currently only supported with Stripe Payment Processing
  4. Click Save and Next

Setting Up the Product Details Tab

  1. Assign a Name to your Product. This name will be displayed in the Order Page
  2. Assign a Price and Currency for your Product
  3. (Optional) Input what you would like the Price Display Override to display in the Order form
  4. (Optional) Fill in the Shipping Origin Address form. If you are going to charge tax for your product or if you are using EasyPost to provide automatic shipping cost calculations this is required
  5. Fill out the Billing Description. This will appear on your customers' credit card statements alongside your company name that you set in your Payment Gateway settings
  6. Fill out the Product Description . This will appear on your customers’ credit card statement
  7. Toggle the Bump Product switch On if you wish to make the Product the Bump product to increase Average Cart Value

Important Note: The first product that you add to your Order page can’t be a Bump product

  1. Toggle the Product Quantity Limit switch On if you wish to control the availability of your product. This is useful if you are selling physical products and your stock is limited
  2. Click Save and Close


Setting up a Free Stripe Product in ClickFunnels

Learn to set up a free ($0) product in ClickFunnels using Stripe. With this, you can set up a completely free product for customers to purchase in your funnels. If you're looking to get someone's credit card upfront on a Free product so you can offer them sticky OTOs later, this setup will allow you to do so.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • Stripe Integration
  • An Order Form Page
  • A Stripe Subscription Plan

1. From within your Order Form step, select the "Products" tab.


2. Click "Add Product."


3. Select "Stripe" from the billing integration


4. Select Subscription

5. Click Save and Next


6. Enter your Product Name

7. Skip Amount and Currency

8. Enter your Price Display Override (you'll want to indicate it's "Free" here)

9. Enter your Product Description (this will affect how your product appears on the receipt).

10. Select your subscription plan from the drop-down menu

11. Enter the Number of Payments (for a free product, just put "1")

12. Enter the Trial Period (for a free product, put at least "1")

Important Note : The way Stripe works, this will "charge" the customer just one time and since it's on a trial period, it will show up as a $0.00 charge. The subscription plan will then be stopped after the initial payment, making the product free.

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Setting Up A Subscription or Payment Plan Product with Stripe

When using Stripe as your payment processor these steps will create a subscription or payment plan product for purchases made in Stripe. Setting up a subscription or payment plan product will allow you to bill your clients at scheduled times for the use of your products or services.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • An active Stripe account
  • A Stripe account integrated with ClickFunnels
  • A Sales Funnel

Stripe Subscription Products are products that will charge a customer recurring payments. The set up for both a subscription or payment plan product in Stripe is the same. Unlike a one-time product, a subscription or payment plan needs to be created in Stripe before it can be created and set up in ClickFunnels.

1. Log in to your Stripe account.

2. Toggle the View test data switch OFF (light gray color) in the left navigation menu .

Leave it as is if it’s already set to OFF. When ON, it will have an orange color.


3. Click Products on the left navigation menu.


4. Click the + Add Product button.


5. Enter the product’s Name .


6. Under Pricing Model , select Standard pricing .


7. Enter the product’s Price .

8.  Select the product’s Currency .

9. Select Recurring .

10. Select the desired Billing period (frequency of charges).

Important Note : If you would like to set up a free trial for your product, you will want to do this when setting up the product in ClickFunnels. The settings in ClickFunnels will override this setting in Stripe.

11. Enter the ID for the subscription product.

Important Note : Even though this field is labeled as Optional, this is a required step if you want to be able to test the product setup in ClickFunnels using Stripe’s Test Mode. Make sure to record the ID in a safe place (notepad, text editor, notebook), as it will be used again in a later step.


12 . Click the Save product button.


To test your order pages both a test and live subscription product need to be created in Stripe before it can be created in ClickFunnels.

Creating a live subscription product will allow you to process live real purchases of your product. ( Steps 1 - 12 )

Creating a test subscription product will allow you to make test purchases of said subscription. ( Steps 13-23 )

13 . Toggle the View test data switch ON in the left navigation menu.


14 . Click Products on the left navigation menu.

15 . Click the + Add Product button.

16 . Enter the product’s Name .

17 . Under Pricing Model , select Standard pricing .

18 . Enter the product’s Price .

19 . Select the product’s Currency .
20. Select Recurring .

21. Select the desired Billing period (frequency of charges).

22. Important : Enter the exact same ID used in Step 11 one more time.


23. Click the Save product button.

Once the subscription product has been created in Stripe, the next step is to create the subscription product in ClickFunnels.

Important Note : Only the required steps for creating the product in Stripe have been added to this guide. If you would like to use some of the optional fields in Stripe, please reach out to Stripe Support for further information.

Also please note : Only recurring subscriptions are available to use with ClickFunnels currently.  Stripe Tiered subscription plans are not available as a product option in ClickFunnels.


Setting Up A Stripe Subscription Product in ClickFunnels

When using Stripe as your payment processor these steps will create a subscription product for purchase in ClickFunnels. Setting up subscription products will allow you to charge your customers recurring payments indefinitely until they want to end their subscription.

A Subscription will charge the customer indefinitely until cancelled. Subscription products cannot be used as order bump products. Unlike a one-time product, a subscription product needs to be created in Stripe before it can be created in ClickFunnels.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • A Stripe account integrated with ClickFunnels
  • A Subscription product set up in Stripe
  • A Sales Funnel

Important note: Only the required steps for creating a subscription product in ClickFunnels have been added to this guide. If you need help with the other fields in the product set up please use this document: Setting up a product in ClickFunnels: Product Details .

1. Open the funnel where you would like to add your subscription product.

2. Access the Order or OTO step in your sales funnel.

3. Access the Products tab.

4. Click the + Add Product button.

5. Under Integrations , select the desired Stripe integration.

6. Select Subscription .

7. Click the Save and Next button.

8. Enter the Product Name .

9. Under Stripe Plan , select the Name of the Stripe subscription product from the dropdown.

10. Enter the Trial Period .

11. Click the Save and Close button.


Setting Up A Stripe Payment Plan Product in ClickFunnels

When using Stripe as your payment processor these steps will create a payment plan product for purchases made in ClickFunnels. Setting up a payment plan product will allow you to bill your customers a designated number of payments for the use of your products or services.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • A Stripe account integrated with ClickFunnels
  • A Subscription product set up in Stripe
  • A Sales Funnel

A payment plan product will charge your customer a predetermined number of payments (i.e. 3 monthly payments of $97), and at the end of the set billing cycles, the customer will no longer be billed.

Payment plans cannot be used as order bump products in your sales funnels. Unlike a one-time product, a payment plan product needs to be created in Stripe as a subscription product before it can be created in ClickFunnels.

Important note: Only the required steps for creating a payment plan product in ClickFunnels have been added to this guide. If you need help with the other fields in the product set up please use this document: Setting up a product in ClickFunnels: Product Details .

1. Open the funnel where you would like to add your payment plan product.

2. Access the Order or OTO step in your sales funnel.

3. Access the Products tab.

4. Click the + Add Product button.

5. Under Integrations , select the desired Stripe integration.

6. Select Payment Plan .

7. Click the Save and Next button.

8. Enter the Product Name .

9. Under Stripe Plan , select the Name of the Stripe subscription product from the dropdown.

10. Enter the Number of plan payments .
This goes in hand with the Billing period set in Stripe.

i.e. If the Billing period is set to Monthly and the Number of plan payments is set to six (6), the customer would pay the price set in Stripe a total of six times, one per month.


11. Click the Save and Close button.


Stripe Payment Notifications and Receipts for Customers

Learn to send payment notifications and receipts from Stripe to your buyers in ClickFunnels. This will allow you to send receipts directly from Stripe when someone buys the Stripe product in ClickFunnels.

Prior to getting started, you will need the following:

  • A Stripe Account
  • A Stripe Integration

Turn On Receipt Notifications in Stripe

  1. From within your Stripe account, click Business Settings on the left navigation.
  2. Click Customer emails .
  3. Check the box for Successful payments .
  4. Check the box for Refunds (optional).
  5. Click Save .


Order Form Testing

Testing your sales funnels is an important step to confirming that everything is working correctly before launching your funnel. In this section, we'll cover how to test your Stripe integration within your sales funnel.

This article also covers how to test Stripe within a funnel’s order form page to ensure that Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) will automatically trigger for your customers living in the European Union (EU).

More information on SCA can be found by visiting Stripe’s online guide .

Prior to getting started, you will need the following:

  • A Stripe account integrated with your ClickFunnels account
  • A sales funnel, including an order form page

1. Hover over the ClickFunnels tab at the top of the dashboard and click Funnels .


2. Select the funnel you'd like to test by:

a. Using the search feature
b. Scrolling down the list of funnels and clicking on the funnel's name

3. Click the Settings tab located in the top right corner of the funnel.


4. Scroll down to the section on Stripe and toggle the Test Mode switch to the On position if it is not already.

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save And Update Settings .


6. Click on the Order Form page on the left side of the screen.


7. Right-click on the new tab icon and open the link in a new incognito window .


8. Fill out the name field(s) and shipping/billing information if required.

9. Enter the Stripe test card number provided at the top of the page into the credit card field.

4012 8888 8888 1881


The expiration date entered can be any future date (next month is ok, but not the current month) and the CVC code can be any combination of numbers (eg. 111). These fields cannot be left blank.


10. Submit the order form once all information fields have been filled.

Upon submitting your order the sales funnel should forward to the next page in the funnel.  If it does not, or you get an error message you will have to troubleshoot your funnel setup. If you are testing a Stripe Subscription Plan, you’ll want to make sure you have the exact same plan created inside your test dashboard in Stripe as well.

11. To view the details for your test purchase, click the Sales tab in the upper right hand corner of the funnel settings page. Click Details to the right of each order for more information on the test purchase.



Important Note: If you are testing a Stripe Subscription Plan, make sure you have the exact same plan created inside your test dashboard of Stripe. After you are done testing, make sure you toggle Test Mode back to OFF in your funnel settings.

Testing Your Order Form With Stripe SCA

1. Complete steps 1-8 above.

2. Fill in the Credit Card Number field using one of Stripe’s two SCA test card numbers.

Important Note: Do not use the test card number provided at the top of the order form page. That test card will not trigger SCA.

Option 1 - Use the following test card number to trigger SCA for both your order form page and any upsell or OTO pages:

4000 0027 6000 3184


Option 2 - Use the following test card to trigger SCA only for your order form page:

4000 0025 0000 3155

Important Note: Stripe's SCA protocols may be triggered when processing upsells and downsells as well, depending on the authentication requirements of the card holder's bank.

The expiration date entered can be any future date (next month is ok, but not the current month) and the CVC code can be any combination of numbers (eg. 111). These fields cannot be left blank.


3. Submit the order form once all information fields have been filled.

4. The 3D Secure Test Page popup will appear that reads:

This is a 3D Secure non-payment authentication test page.

In live mode, customers will be asked to verify their identity with a push notification, a text message, or another method chosen by their bank.


a. Click Fail Authentication to reveal the failed payment notification on the order form:

We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.


b. Click Complete Authentication to trigger the 3D Secure Test Payment Page which reads:

This is a test payment of [order total here] using 3D Secure .

In live mode, customers will be asked to verify their identity with a push notification, a text message, or another method chosen by their bank.


5. Click Complete Authentication again to complete the test purchase and be moved to the next step in the funnel sequence.


Cancelling Your Customer's Subscription Product In Stripe

Need to cancel your customer’s subscription product in Stripe? This article will go over the process of how to do so. This will be helpful if you need to stop charging your customers for a subscription. Please keep in mind that subscription products cannot be cancelled in ClickFunnels, as this is only done in Stripe. This tutorial also covers how to remove customer’s access to a Membership Area if needed.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • An active Stripe account
  • A Stripe account integrated with ClickFunnels
  • An active subscription product in Stripe
  • A Sales Funnel created in your ClickFunnels account

A cancelled subscription in Stripe will no longer charge your customers recurring payments. You will need to cancel a subscription product in Stripe upon receiving a customer request to stop the recurring billing.

1. Log in to your Stripe account.

2. Click on Customers on the left-hand side of the screen.


3. Find the customer by looking up their email address in the search bar and access their profile.


4. Locate Subscriptions .


5. Click on the X located on the right of the product.


You can also click on the 3 horizontal dots and then click on Cancel subscription .


6. A pop-up will appear.

A. Choose whether you want to cancel the subscription Immediately , on the End of the current period , or On a custom date .


B. Choose whether you want No Refund, if you want to refund Last payment, or a Prorated amount.


C. If you choose to refund the Last payment or a Prorated amount, you can send a receipt to your customer by checking the Send refund receipt box. You can send it to the email the customer used in the purchase or add a different email. (optional)


7. Click on Cancel subscription .


A notification will show on the lower part of your screen informing you that the subscription has been canceled.


Alternate Method 1:

1. Log in to your Stripe account.

2. Click on Customers on the left-hand side of the screen.


3. Click on Subscriptions .

4. If you can view the customer in the list of your current subscriptions, click on the X located all the way to the right of the customer’s email.


You can also click on the 3 horizontal dots and then click on Cancel subscription .


5. A pop-up will appear. From this point, the steps for canceling the account are the same as steps 6 and 7 in the original instructions above.

Alternate Method 2:

1.Log into your Stripe account.

2. Click on Customers on the left-hand side of the screen.


3.Click on Subscriptions .

4. If you can view the customer in the list of your current subscriptions, click on the customer.


5. Click on the 3 horizontal dots located next to the Update Subscription button and then click on Cancel subscription .


6. A pop-up will appear. From this point, the steps for cancelling the account are the same as steps 6 and 7 in the original instructions above.

Removing access to Membership Areas in ClickFunnels:

On some occasions, after canceling your customer’s subscription in Stripe, you may need to remove access to a Membership Area in ClickFunnels. You will need to do this if you no longer wish the customer to access the content in your Membership Area. The steps you need to take in order to remove access completely will depend on how you are restricting access to your content. Keep in mind that if you cancel a customer’s subscription in Stripe but don’t remove their access to the Membership Area, they’ll still have access.

Removing a product:

If you restricted your Membership Area lessons with a Product Requirement, then you will need to delete the product from the customer’s profile.

1. Within the Membership Area step, click on the Members tab.


2. Find the customer by looking up their email address in the search bar.


3. Click on the Edit button.


4. Click on Purchases on the left-hand side.


5. Locate the product you want to remove and click on View .


6. Click on Delete .


7. Click the OK button.


Removing a tag:

If you restricted your Membership Area lessons with a Tag Requirement, then you will need to delete the tag from the customer’s profile.

1. Within the Membership Area step, click on the Members tab.


2. Find the customer by looking up their email address in the search bar.


3. Click on the Edit button.


4. Locate Recently Added Tags and remove the tag by clicking the X next to the tag.


5. Click the OK button.


Removing a member from the Membership Area:

Once you have deleted the product and/or the tag from the customer’s profile, you can go ahead and remove them from your Membership Area.

1. Within the Membership Area step, click on the Members tab.


2. Find the customer by looking up their email address in the search bar.


3. Click on the trash icon .


4. Click the OK button.



What to do if Stripe Shuts You Down

Review common reasons that a Stripe account might be shut down. We explore some potential ways to avoid these shutdowns and what you can do if your account is shut down. If you have set up a Stripe account and want to ensure it does not get shut down or you have an existing account that was shut down, this article explores options available to you.

Avoid Prohibited Activities - Keep Your Account Healthy

  1. The first thing you should consider when choosing Stripe as your payment gateway is whether your business might be prohibited by their payment gateway.
  2. Stripe has a list of restricted businesses you should refer to prior to creating an account.
  3. Make sure your business is not on this restricted business list. Otherwise, you can expect they may shut down your account sooner or later.

Ways to Avoid Chargebacks and Comply with Policies

  1. One of the most harmful actions that can hurt your payment gateway is having chargebacks posted on your account.
  2. To avoid chargebacks, it's recommended you maintain open communication channels with your customers.
  3. Have a very clear refund policy and when in doubt err on the side of caution.
  4. It's better to grant your customer a refund intentionally than have them chargeback, as this is very damaging to your account.

What to do When Your Account Is Shut Down

  1. If your Stripe account is already shut down, there is likely little you can do to restore your account.
  2. In most cases, you will find Stripe's decision to shut down your account is absolute.
  3. However, if you run into this trouble, it does not mean you are out of options.
  4. If you do have your account shut down, the best option is to reach out to Gateway Funnel Pros .
  5. They can help you set up a new payment gateway and will set you up with a representative who can help advise you and avoid future problems with your gateway.


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