Funnel Hacker Glossary of Terms

In this article, you will learn the most commonly used terms in the ClickFunnels community. This will help you get a basic understanding of common words, terms, and abbreviations that may not be used outside of the ClickFunnels community.

The Funnel Hacker Glossary

  • 1 Comma Club - ClickFunnels users that have accepted over $1,000 of transactions through ClickFunnels.
  • 2 Comma Club - ClickFunnels users that have accepted over $1,000,000 of transactions through ClickFunnels( )
  • Action Score - 4 values use an algorithm to determine the "Action Score".
  • ACV (Actual Cash Value) - Actual Cash Value is not equal to the replacement cost, but by subtracting depreciation from replacement cost.
  • Affiliate - A person or organization that is connected, likely through promotion, to a company or vendor.
  • Affiliate Marketer / Affiliate Marketing - A person or group that promotes products and receives commission or compensation in some form dependent on sales or leads.
  • Analytics - This often involves studying past, recent and current data to determine patterns, trends or effectiveness in relation to marketing and sale within the ClickFunnels community.
  • API - Application Programming Interface. Allows for communication with a platform, from external sources.
  • Ask Method or Ask Campaign - A form of collecting information to assist with creating more relevant and valuable answers or content for your audience.
  • Attractive Character - Type of leader to follow and relate to based on their story and accomplishments.
  • Avalara (AvaTax) - this application is an automated cloud-based solution for your tax compliance transactions across the United States and the World. Avalara AvaTax allows you to collect sales tax for multiple states inside the USA.
  • Audience - The unique group of people who are interested in you or your company and how they can benefit from your products or services. These are your leads and customers.
  • Autoresponder- A system/service that sends a sequence of emails to contacts.
  • Bounce (Email)- When an email is not able to be delivered to an email address. There can be soft bounces that are temporary. For example, if their inbox is full, the message size is too large or their mailbox declares the email suspicious or "spam-like" content. Hard bounces are when the email address no longer exists or due to a typo in the email address.
  • Browser - The application which is used to access, browse and search the internet. Examples; Internet Explorer or Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
  • Certified Partner (CFCP) - ClickFunnels Certified Partner (someone who has gone through specialized training on how the platform works) (able to use manager function on other people accounts)
  • CloudFlare - Managed DNS provider to route users to your website(s).
  • Cookies - A small file or piece of information stored on a computer. They store information about the computer to help provide more relevant information while browsing.
  • Cache- A file that used to reduce loading times when browsing previously visited websites. This could also store preferences for using some services to provide a more convenient experience.
  • Copy (Sales Copy) - Sales copy is used when writing engaging text or verbal dialogue. This often helps readers and listeners understand information and take action.
  • CPA (Cost Per Action or Acquisition?) - Paying a set amount for a certain action to be taken by a unique visitor. This could be opting in or creating an account for example.
  • CPA Network - Cost per action network. This network focuses on leads over sales, but not exclusively. A new lead will cost, but multiple views of an ad will not.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) - A charge occurs when an ad is clicked and whether or not that person opts into that page or purchases.
  • CPL (Cost Per Lead) - A charge can occur when a new lead has been collected.
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand) - This is the most common method for pricing website ads. This means a price is paid to the advertiser to display the add per thousand views on a page, website or network.
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheet, defines the style of HTML. (along with HTML & Javascript considered one of the 3 core web languages)
  • Customer Avatar - A term used for the ideal client. This is more specific than an audience. Who is your preferred customer or client that you are looking to help or provide service to for results? Such details include an image of this person, their name, hobbies, a brief description and the current obstacle they need to overcome or goal they are looking to achieve.



  • Deliverability - A way to measure the success rate of emails reaching the inbox of their contacts in comparison to bounces or going to the junk/spam folder.
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) - An email authentication method designed to detect "spoofing" which is a type of misleading email delivery. This is used to verify you own the domain that you are going to be using in your email address and so other's can't send from that domain email address. For example "". This often requires a DNS record to be created.
  • DNS (Domain Name Servers) - The phonebook of the internet. Links URLs to IP addresses. This allows your site to load when a domain address (or subdomain) is visited through a browser.
  • Domain - An address on the internet that can be visited through a browser by intentionally searching traffic or unintentional surfing. This is often related to your brand or company. For example "" is a domain and it has been assigned as a home page for ClickFunnels.
  • Domain Registrar - A site or service that manages the reservation of domain names. Sites such as GoDaddy, HostGator and NameCheap.
  • Downsell (OTO Downsell) - An offer that is presented after a customer declines an Upsell (OTO) offer. This is either a payment plan or product offered at a lower price that can provide value to the customer.
  • Dropship - To sell products that are not your own, you collect payment then purchase the product for your customers.
  • Dynamically Updated - The price of a product under the products tab, that will show when you are previewing the page and on the live page
  • EPC (Earnings Per Click) - A measurement and term used to indicate the average earnings based on the result of clicks for an affiliate marketing link or ad.
  • FHAT (Funnel Hack-A-Thon) - This is an event held online for Platinum and above members. Hands-on learning and building your funnel with expert guidance.
  • Follow-Up Funnel - Connect or reconnect with your audience anytime, anywhere using multi-dimensional marketing (ie. email marketing).
  • Followers - How many followers the person has on all social media accounts using the email address they have opted-in with.
  • Frequency - How often they visit the content of the funnel.
  • Funnel Hacker - A Funnel Hacker is one who researches and investigates their competitor's sales & marketing process to learn, model and test your own sales & marketing processes.
  • Funnel Hacking - [verb] - "to funnel hack". The process of strategically investigating the sales and marketing process of your competitors, which you can use to model and test your own sales & marketing processes.
  • Headline- A heading at the top of an article, blog post, landing page, sales page or magazine.
  • Hook - A highly intriguing question or phrase that encourages engagement and action.
  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language: Generally used to create the basic structure of pages (not used for advanced logic/styling) (along with CSS & Javascript considered one of the 3 core web languages).
  • iframe (Inline Frame) - An iframe is an embedded window on a web page. The "window" is an embedded code that allows the viewing of another site or URL.



  • Invisible Funnel - A funnel where the attendees pay upfront and are able to cancel the payment after the webinar if they feel they did not gain any value or improvement from the webinar training.
  • JavaScript - The language used for advanced functionality/logic. (along with HTML & CSS considered one of the 3 core web languages)
  • JQuery - A pre-built library of javascript functions, that can be used (instead of having to write everything from scratch)
  • Lead - A lead is a contact that is a potential customer or client.
  • Lead Magnet - Something of value to trade for opt-in details (name, email, phone). Usually a guide or PDF.
  • Mouse Tracking / Heatmapping - It can be used to see the most active areas on your pages. This allows you to see what areas your visitors drag and hover with their mouse. Using this information can provide important feedback and data that can help improve engagement and conversions.
  • MX Record - A mail exchanger record. This is a type of resource record that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting messages on behalf of a recipient's domain. This is required to be able to use an email with your domain email address.
  • Opt-in [verb] - When a visitor enters information on a landing page, squeeze page or opt-in page they are willingly providing details to receive information or contact from a person or company.
  • Opt-in Funnel - A type of funnel that allows contacts to enter personal information in exchange for value, information, etc.
  • Perfect Webinar - The perfect webinar is a blueprint created through trial and error over time that is a proven method to use for webinar presentations.
  • Pixel - A pixel refers to a 1x1 pixel that is loaded and viewed on specific pages to track the activity of your leads and customers.
  • Recency - How recently the person has interacted with the content.
  • Rule Groups - These can be found in Follow-Up Funnels inside of Smart Lists and Follow-Up Funnel steps. Using rule groups we can set specifics that contacts need to meet to be added to an email list.
  • SaaS - Software As A Service (A type of business model)
  • Seinfeld Sequence - This takes place after the Soap Opera Sequence. Share daily updates with your list to stay relevant while naturally referring to or linking the topic to your product or services that you offer.
  • SMTP - Secure Mail Transfer Protocol. Servers used to send and receive emails.
  • Soap Opera Sequence - After someone has joined your list you can use this sequence to stand out and keep them interested in what you have to say and your future emails.
  • Social - Social influence for the email on file and social media profiles attached to it.
  • Spam - This is often a mass delivery of the same email to a large number of contacts. These contacts may not have willingly opted in to an email list and the sender's delivery reputation may be low which results in emails going to the Spam or Junk folder.
  • SPF (Record) - A DNS record that is used to identify which mail servers are permitted to deliver email on behalf of your domain's email address. (These can work with the DKIM records for authentification of email)
  • Sticky Cookie - applied to the browser of your contacts for the tracking of purchases through an affiliate link.
  • Subdomain - A domain that is part of a primary domain. For example, "" is a primary domain and "" is a subdomain.
  • Organic Traffic - Top search results that appear when searching in search engines such as Google. These do not have the “Ad” tag and appear under the Advertised search results. This could also be blog, podcast or YouTube content for example.
  • Paid Traffic - Top search results with the “Ad” tag when using Google, sponsored ads on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest newsfeed. This could also be banner ads, solo ads or YouTube video ads.
  • Tripwire (Tripwire Funnel) - Low priced item meant to bring users into a funnel.
  • Upsell (OTO - One-Time-Offer) - An offer that is presented after an initial purchase by a customer. This is a one time chance to get an upgrade, more valuable content, or a more valuable product that is only offered to those who purchased the first product and at this specific time.
  • UTM Parameter - (Urchin Tracking Module Parameter ) - (Advanced Topic) - UTM parameters in a URL identify the marketing campaign that refers traffic to a specific website.
  • Value Ladder - A value ladder is often a vertical step ladder of products and/or service laid out in the ascension of cost and value. For example, cold traffic joining your list would be at the bottom of a value ladder exchanging their email for your lead magnet.
  • Webhook (Advanced-Topic) - Use webhooks to send data to an external system. Funnel Webhooks are triggered when a new contact is created or updated and when a new purchase is created or updated.
  • Whitelabel(s) - A record or records that proves ownership and authentication. Whitelabels also improves email delivery which means entering the inbox.
  • Zapier - A web automation app. You can build actions known as "Zaps" which can automate parts of your business. A Zap is a blueprint for a task that you want to do over and over. A Zap could be an action such as adding contacts or order details to a Google Sheet, or a 3rd party service or location.

If you have any questions about this, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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